During this unprecedented time of crisis, there are many people that are helping others breathe a little easier. Some are the obvious front lines – the medical doctors, nurses, and all their supporting staff that are helping the sick and the dying. Many are exhausted, overwhelmed, and risking their lives every day. Some helpers are not as obvious but just as important in making sure the infrastructure stays strong and humming along nicely, such as the person picking up my garbage or those that make sure my house has electricity, gas, and clean water. And then there are those that help brighten and bring optimism into our days, like the kids that draw nice things on the sidewalk with the chalk or stories of individuals helping other individuals. Every single one of those people deserve a thanks for doing their part in this global crisis. Below, I’ve listed out few of the wonderful people who are fighting for lives and happiness. Send me an email if you think of others that deserve a big hug and a thank you!
Thank you
all the doctors, nurses, and all the additional staff that help the doctors and nurses do their thing.
Thank you
to all the people who have been working at the grocery stores, to those that delivered the goods to the grocery stores, and those that created the goods so that I can safely eat at home.
Thank you
everyone at USPS, UPS, FedEx, Amazon, and other businesses that deliver things to my house.
Thank you
to all the teachers rushing to make lesson plans for our children.
Thank you
to all those that are working to keep the electricity and gas on, water clean, and garbage picked up so that being stuck at home can be comfortable.
Thank you
to all the local restaurants and eateries that are staying open and cooking food safely so that we can take a break from cooking at home.
Thank you
to the families of all those that are working the front lines.